Bioresonance is a therapy used by holistic and complementary medicine practitioners. Initially used in humans, they found that this therapy could also be applied to dogs to aid in diagnosing and treating conditions such as allergies.

This non-invasive therapy was invented in Germany in 1977 by Morell and Rache. This therapy has since been rolled out to over 50 countries where certified practitioners can use it on their patients, whether they are humans or canines.

Allergies can be a debilitating experience for anyone but particularly for a dog who can only communicate through behaviour. 

Allergy symptoms in dogs can manifest as:

  • paw nibbling with excessive licking (which can cause skin abrasions),
  • chewing the base of the tail, hair loss,
  • dragging their bottoms across carpet
  • or grass, low mood, irritability, runny stools, itchy eyes (characterised by rubbing with the paw)
  • and respiratory symptoms such as coughing and sneezing.


In an allergic reaction, the immune system reacts to pollen, for example, labelling it a foreign invader and launching an immune response, causing an antibody (IgE) and histamine release, causing symptoms.

Reactions range in severity from a runny nose to anaphylaxis, whereby the respiratory system narrows to the point of suffocation. This can be reversed using an EpiPen in humans and dogs.

This technology accesses the bio-field emitted from the dog, an energy field that the frequency machine can read. The electromagnetic spectrum is defined by waves that can be measured by looking at the length and amplitude of a wave. This type of therapy is based on Quantum Physics. 

The cells within the body emit a frequency that gives information on what is happening on a cellular level. This information can then be used to identify, diagnose and treat conditions such as food allergies. 

Some consider Bioresonance as a pseudoscience. This is due to the lack of randomised, controlled, double-blind trials commonly seen in the pharmaceutical industry. (Brügemann, 2006) noted significant statistical evidence when assessing many different studies. The institute employed an independent Dr to evaluate the material. “We commissioned Dr Volker W. Rahlfs, to carry out an expert analysis of the studies available on BICOM bioresonance therapy”. Upon reading the studies it does provide proof of Bioresonance as a diagnostic tool and therapy. 

There is also significant anecdotal evidence from pet owners and humans who have used Bioresonance therapy. 

Other machines used in medical settings, such as ECG and EEG, record electrical impulses that can be measured using the size of the wave recorded. 

The Bioresonance machine scans the body, analysing the frequencies being emitted. This is unique to each patient, and the information is captured by specialist software. The clinician will place vials of allergens into the machine and a metal pendulum is used to identify allergy sensitivities.The pendulum will move by force and the waves amplitude will be noted. We know that sound waves for example can cause movement. If you imagine a speaker at full volume playing pounding dance music, inanimate objects can shift and you can feel the bass in your chest. Therefore, we can assume that the electromagnetic frequencies being shared by cells and organs can influence the pendulum. When reacting ‘badly’ to an allergen, a different frequency will force the pendulum to move in a particular direction. 

After collecting the data, some practitioners use electromagnetic frequencies to create resonance within the cells as a form of treatment. This is commonly seen in spiritual and holistic practices where therapists play music at a specific frequency for healing, such as 432 Hertz. 

Bioresonance Technology can be used to diagnose and treat: 

  • Allergies
  • “The greater majority of the performing scientists and physicians believe – based on their investigations – that the classical bioresonance therapy is clinically effective in allergy therapy for children” – (Galle, M. 2009).
  • Smoking Cessation (Pihtili et al., 2014)
  • Fibromyalgia (Gogoleva, E.F. 2001)


There aren’t many studies on Bioresonance in animals but we can assume they have similar effects to their human counterparts. A study on canine metatabolic function of the liver (Bobrytska, O. et al. 2019) stated “Two groups of dogs were formed: the control group – without changes in the metabolic function of the liver and the experimental – with a decrease in this function”.

There is evidence supporting the efficacy of Bioresonance therapy but currently not enough to support medical status. Until then it will remain in the holistic and complementary medicine category.

What does the dog bioresonance test look like?

Allergy testing is usually invasive. The dog needs to give blood for testing and can also be exposed to allergens during the skin prick test whereby the vet puts allergens on the dogs skin to see if a dermalogical reaction forms.

When taking your doggy for a Bioresonance test, you don’t have to worry about any invasive techniques or your pet being uncomfortable afterwards. Food allergies account for 10-15% of allergies, environmental allergies such as pollen are far more common. 

In humans, the electrodes will be placed on the skin. In dogs, they wear something similar to a thunder vest that has electrodes attached. The straps can be tightened and loosened for the comfort of the animal. It is imperative you keep your dog calm during this process, most dogs are unbothered by this event. Bioresonance can also be used on hair samples if there is severe distress.

The machine uses samples that emit a specific frequency which is why the clinic will often ask for a sample of your dogs food. There is usually a full list of allergens to test against.

A pendulum is used to identify sensitivity to a possible allergen. The movements are captured as information; Up/down movement (negative response), side to side movement (positive response) and a circular movement (neutral response). The pendulum is used after placing a vial of the allergen into the frequency machine so it can be checked against it, it can take one or two minutes per vial which is why a Bioresonance test can take upto two hours. Any sensitivities will be compiled and presented to the owner at the end of the test to help them make an informed decision about their pets health.

How accurate is bioresonance dog allergy testing?

There is little evidence other than anecdotal that Bioresonance dog allergy testing is accurate. 

Hopefully over the coming years there is more of a focus on holistic and complementary medicine that will support this therapy with evidence. Dog owner blogs and youtube channels have discussed their experiences with the test and found it to be a helpful, non invasive approach to allergy testing that did inform food choices.

We have seen from human studies that there was some clinical evidence supporting Bioresonance testing and therapy but this is yet to be properly replicated in dogs and other mammals.

Here are the top allergy testing kits utilising bioresonance technology

Duration of Result: 5 to 7 days

Strands Pet Standard Package is a complete solution to rule out food and environmental allergies. It tests 350 of the most common pet food ingredients with bioresonance technology. The possibilities include proteins, fruits, veggies, preservatives, grasses, trees, grains, etc. Moreover, it can initiate four tests and even rule out allergies from external factors that can be 100+ items, including cleaning supplies, dander, mold, fabrics, etc.

The test procedure begins by collecting 10 to 15 strands of dog hair and cautiously sending them to the 5 Strand lab. The authentic labs will test the sample for all possible intolerances, food, and external allergies.

The test result is easy to read and has a low, mild, or high allergy severity. Furthermore, there is incredibly good customer support via email and phone. So, perform this simple test at home to rule out the possible causes of allergy in your pet. This test will help you immediately withdraw the allergic substance, avoiding future complications and easing your loving dog.

Duration of Result: 2-3 weeks from receipt of samples at the laboratory

EasyDNA boasts 18+ years of experience in the pet/human DNA category. It can test 119 allergens and list the outcome in three categories: strong intolerance, mild intolerance, and no intolerance. Moreover, the test kit uses proteins in the dog’s system to discover intolerances and sensitivities. 

You have to order the kit and subscription that fits you best. Next, you will receive an allergy testing kit with a swab. Hold the swab firmly from the handle and place and move it in the dog’s mouth. Then, carefully pack the sample and send it to the EasyDNA labs. Also, EasyDNA offers live chat support to its customers for accurate and real-time information on kits, their processes, and results.

Within a couple of weeks, you will get a detailed analysis of the result. It also comprises products, food, and supplements that can help ease allergies and relieve your pet. In addition, this test will help you rule out several types of intolerances, and the results are reliable.

Note: Always conduct the swab test in the morning or when there is enough time between meals. The food particles in the mouth can alter the tests.

Duration of Result: 2-3 weeks from receipt of samples at the laboratory

Allergy Test My Pet gives results for the most common 150 allergens, including household & environmental factors. It’s a very simple kit that’s easy to use and offers trustworthy results. Moreover, your dog doesn’t have to stop taking supplements as the results are unaffected. It works by testing the proteins in your dog’s sample collected with a sample collection device.

As soon as you buy the kit, you will receive an allergy test kit with a swab. You must gently collect the saliva swab and send it to the lab. After a few weeks, you will get a comprehensive and full report with food recommendations for the dog.

The easy-to-use, reasonable, and very effective home allergy testing kit helps us determine the reason for the allergy. The detailed report can help you immediately stop using products having an allergic component. 

Rounding up the time for how long dog allergy testing takes can be on to two-three weeks. But the wait is worth it because these samples are tested with advanced technology and analysis to help your loving paw-some friend. So, indulge in simple testing at home and rule out all the elements causing allergic reactions to the dog. This step can be a crucial one which will minimize your pets sufferings at the right time.


In conclusion, there is still a lack of strong evidence supporting Bioresonance therapy but there are more studies and interest building in this area. Owners may opt to try this approach to reduce levels of distress in their pet that can be caused by the common techniques such as blood testing and dermal allergy testing. 

Quantum physics is becoming better understood as time goes on, with the Nobel Prize being awarded to Physicists for their research on Quantum Entanglement. This is when information is transferred between particles which is essentially teleportation.

In the coming years it is highly likely we will see medical approaches being informed by quantum physics and will be able to find evidence supporting therapies such as this one.

Until then, you’ll need to try it for yourself!


Hans Brügemann. (2006). Are there evidence-based studies on the efficacy of bioresonance therapy?”. [Online]. checkmybodyhealth. Available at: [Accessed 21 October 2022]. 

Galle, M. (2009). Bioresonance therapy with children suffering from allergies—An overview about clinical reports. European Journal of Integrative Medicine, 1(4), pp.234–235. doi:10.1016/j.eujim.2009.08.023.

Pihtili, A., Galle, M., Cuhadaroglu, C., Kilicaslan, Z., Issever, H., Erkan, F., Cagatay, T. and Gulbaran, Z. (2014). Evidence for the Efficacy of a Bioresonance Method in Smoking Cessation: A Pilot Study. Complementary Medicine Research, [online] 21(4), pp.239–245. doi:10.1159/000365742.

Gogoleva, E.F. (2001). [New approaches to diagnosis and treatment of fibromyalgia in spinal osteochondrosis]. Terapevticheskii Arkhiv, [online] 73(4), pp.40–45. Available at: [Accessed 21 Oct. 2022].

Bobrytska, O., Ugai, K., Vodopianova, L., Karpovsky, V., Trokoz, V. and Danchuk, O. (2019). Bioresonance method of estimation metabolic function of the liver in dogs. Scientific Horizons, 81(8), pp.70–76. doi:10.33249/2663-2144-2019-81-8-70-76.

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